There are few scientists of whom it can be said that their mistakes are more interesting
than their colleagues' successes, but Albert Einstein was one. Few "blunders" have had a
longer and more eventful life than the cosmological constant, sometimes described as the
most famous fudge factor in the history of science, that Einstein added to his theory of
general relativity in 1917. Its role was to provide a repulsive force in order to keep the
universe from theoretically collapsing under its own weight. Einstein abandoned the
cosmological constant when the universe turned out to be expanding, but in succeeding
years, the cosmological constant, like Rasputin, has stubbornly refused to die, dragging
itself to the fore, whispering of deep enigmas and mysterious new forces in nature,
whenever cosmologists have run into trouble reconciling their observations of the
universe with their theories.
This year the cosmological constant has been propelled back into the news as an
explanation for the widely reported discovery, based on observations of distant exploding
stars, that some kind of "funny energy" is apparently accelerating the expansion of the
universe. "If the cosmological constant was good enough for Einstein," the cosmologist
Michael Turner of the University of Chicago remarked at a meeting in April, "it should
be good enough for us."
Einstein has been dead for 43 years. How did he and his 80-year-old fudge factor come to
be at the center of a revolution in modern cosmology?
The story begins in Vienna with a mystical concept that Einstein called Mach's principle.
Vienna was the intellectual redoubt of Ernst Mach (1838-1916), a physicist and
philosopher who bestrode European science like a Colossus. The scale by which
supersonic speeds are measured is named for him. His biggest legacy was philosophical;
he maintained that all knowledge came from the senses, and campaigned relentlessly
against the introduction of what he considered metaphysical concepts in science, atoms
for example.
Mysteries of the Universe
Another was the notion of absolute space, which formed the framework of Newton's
universe. Mach argued that we do not see "space," only the players in it. All our
knowledge of motion, he pointed out, was only relative to the "fixed stars." In his books
and papers, he wondered if inertia, the tendency of an object to remain at rest or in
motion until acted upon by an outside force, was similarly relative and derived somehow
from an interaction with everything else in the universe.
"What would become of the law of inertia if the whole of the heavens began to move and
stars swarmed in confusion?" he wrote in 1911. "Only in the case of a shattering of the
universe do we learn that all bodies, each with its share, are of importance in the law of